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Will Your Heirs Know Where to Find Your Assets?

A big problem for anyone trying to wind up an estate can be simply finding all the property and valuable papers. You can do your heirs and executor a favor by filling out this form and giving copies to your spouse, other relatives who will help in settling the estate, any outside executor and your lawyer. Update the list periodically.

NOTE: This form is confidential and all data you enter will remain within the boundaries of your computer terminal. It does not involve the use of any c.g.i. (common gateway interface) programs, but instead implements serverless JavaScript code. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may send a message to, or simply download the source file and fill out the form while offline (you can still produce the same form results). 

Social Security Number:
Spouse's Name:
Spouse's Social Security Number:
Spouse's Employer:
My valuable papers and assets are stored in the following locations:
NOTE: Please fill in any blanks for locations you want to have appear on the list!
Residence (address and location description): A.
Safe Deposit Box (Bank, Address, location of key): B.
Office (address): C.
Other: D.
Other: E.
Other: F.
My Will (original)
My Will (copy)
Powers of Attorney
My Burial Instructions
Cemetary Plot Deed
Spouse's Will (original)
Spouse's Will (copy)
Spouse's Powers of Attorney
Spouse's Burial Instructions
Spouse's Cemetary Plot Deed
Final Letters of Instruction
Personal Letters to my Family
Document Appointing Children's Guardian
Handwritten list of Special Bequests
Safe Combination, business/home
Family Trust Agreements
Life Insurance Trust document
Life Insurance, group
Life Insurance contracts, me
Life Insurance contracts, spouse
Other Death Benefits
Property & Casualty Insurance
Health Insurance Policy
Homeowners Insurance Policy
Car Insurance Policy
Employment Contracts
Partnership Agreements
List of Checking and Savings Accounts
Bank Statements, Cancelled Checks
List of Credit Cards
Certificates of Deposit
Savings passbooks
Brokerage Account Records
Stock Certificates
Mutual Fund Shares
Other Securities
Corporate Retirement Plan
Keogh or retirement plan
IRA (1)
IRA (2)
IRA (3)
Annuity Contracts
Stock-option plan
Stock-purchase plan
Profit Sharing Plan
Pension Plan information
Income and Gift Tax return
Title and Deeds to real estate and land
Title Insurance
Rental property records
Notes and other bank agreements
Mortgage information
List of stored and loaned valuable items
Auto ownership records
Boat ownership records
Birth Certificates
Children's Birth Certificates
My/spouse's Adoption papers
Military Discharge papers
Marriage Certificate
Children's Adoption papers
Divorce/separation records
Names and addresses of relatives/friends
List of professional/fraternal memberships

Financial Planner:
Insurance Agent:

Date Prepared:
Copies Given to:

Also print "Lost or Missing" items? no yes

This information adapted from Effective Financial Strategies by Larry P. Ginsburg, C.F.P.

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